
Hunger and Satiety – Lets Talk Leptin

Leptin is a hormone that is made by adipose (fat) tissue and is secreted by our fat storage cells, also known as adipocytes. The role of leptin is to communicate with the brain about the amount of fat that you have stored on your body.

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woman exercising leg lifts

Body Composition and Your Cycle

While the menstrual cycle can make fat loss a little harder for women, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Using this information as a guide will help you make the most out of your training and nutrition during your cycle while reducing the confusion and stress that often comes with it.

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How to Curb Your Cravings

Most people do not know the importance of the gut microbiome and the way in which it has the ability to affect our moods, energy levels and cognitive function.

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young woman flexing muscles with dumbbells in gym

Just a Gut Feeling…

Most people do not know the importance of the gut microbiome and the way in which it has the ability to affect our moods, energy levels and cognitive function.

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We're Working Hard...

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In love and light.


We're Working Hard...

To integrate a buy now/pay later component to our website. Rest assured, it is coming!

Until then, I can set up weekly payments for you, I just need to do it manually.

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In love and light.
