Get ready -

for a glute boost

As a woman, chances are one of your aesthetic goals is going to be building a juicy, perky peach. Like any goal in life, there is going to be a process in achieving this.

This program teaches you the ins and the outs of that progress and focuses solely on the best, science backed principals to help you achieve a PEACH PERFECT booty.

Max's Message

Let me help you to take control of your training, nutrition, and life as a whole so you can finally see the results you have been waiting for!

I am a hands on coach (even from afar) and am here to educate, empower and encourage

Package Features -

build your best glutes yet, in just 8 weeks.

My mission is to not only help you to achieve your results, but to help you sustain them.

How do I do this?

By educating you on WHY we are doing every protocol I implement, so that you can maintain the results you work so hard for. There are no quick fixes here! Will it take a little more time? Yes. Will it be worth it? YES!!! (a thousand times yes).

Payment Plan

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Payment Info

TEST MODE ENABLED: To make a test (US) purchase, use Credit Card Number "4242424242424242" with any CVC and a valid expiration date. Find a test card for another country.

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Lets get started


Whether you consider yourself to be a beginner, intermediate or advanced, I can cater to your needs and goals. We all start somewhere, and I would be honoured to be a part of your journey. 

What are you waiting for? Let’s work towards the woman you already know you can be!

We're Working Hard...

To integrate a buy now/pay later component to our website. Rest assured, it is coming!

Until then, I can set up weekly payments for you, I just need to do it manually.

If you can leave your contact details below I will be in touch to organise.

In love and light.


We're Working Hard...

To integrate a buy now/pay later component to our website. Rest assured, it is coming!

Until then, I can set up weekly payments for you, I just need to do it manually.

If you can leave your contact details below I will be in touch to organise.

In love and light.


We're Working Hard...

To integrate a buy now/pay later component to our website. Rest assured, it is coming!

Until then, I can set up weekly payments for you, I just need to do it manually.

If you can leave your contact details below I will be in touch to organise.

In love and light.


We're Working Hard...

To integrate a buy now/pay later component to our website. Rest assured, it is coming!

Until then, I can set up weekly payments for you, I just need to do it manually.

If you can leave your contact details below I will be in touch to organise.

In love and light.
